Devoted to the Scientists

Камиль Гареев
At breakfast, the plenty of scientific projects are stuck,
In the team leaders room they settled down cozy,
Eating insatiably, trying to be in time
To absorb the double-sized medium income.

I don't devote these lines to those.

Inventing their measurements at random,
Drawing a smooth graph curve,
They are doing well only according to the report,
Since "Epistola non erubescit".

I don't devote these lines to those.

On TV, in the Internet and in Telegram
Pleiades of the newer geniuses names are thundering,
But when business leaders arrive for the product,
The carriage strives to turn into a pumpkin.

I don't devote these lines to those.

The storm barely dawns beyond the distant border,
Scaring the prominent scientists with sanctions,
As immediately following the course of the sun,
They reached out to the West for the salvation.

I don't devote these lines to those.

And I devote these lines to those
Who doesn't leave their elder institution,
Who works behind their ancient devices all the time,
Taking a mere pittance as a reward.

Who offers the new theories and ideas,
Who helps young guys to enter the science,
Who doesn't answer dumb clerks rudely,
Just getting stronger step by step.

Who closes gaps in knowledge by himself,
Who needs no glory and no honor,
On whom the stronghold of the true science
Is unshakably founded, giving immortality to the all.