The traitors!

Валерий Лубенский
   Russians will never forget - all west countries peoples are traitors! They

remember nothing what had happened in their life not far ago in 1941-1945, when

the World was almost destroyed by german fascism.

   Then, as now too, United States and west europian leaders decided, that

german fascism was not so dangerous for them as The Soviet Union and that's why

wisched it to be damiged by Hitler.

   Now the same continue in Ukraine, where Bandera's fascism is the main

ideological tool in the war of current Kiev regime against Russia. And after 81

years the West behaves as it did on the eve of the World War Two. 

   Shame to pro-fascist West!  Countries of the world unite,we must prevent

World War III! We not let the corrupt West get over us as it had been done

with Libia, Iraq, Ukraine and many other countries of the World!