More Than Us

Ромашкин Александр
[Verse 1]
I lie here and look at the ceiling
I check the time on my phone
Except for the light from the lamps on the street
I lie in the dark all alone
In the cell of my mind you're a prisoner
I'm trapped in the cell of my heart
A thread from the past ties us together
Time's passing keeps us apart
A thread from the past ties us together
Time's passing keeps us apart

What could it have been that stole our joy from the start
I loved you more than I thought, I silently gave you my heart.
What was worth more than our love
What was worth more, more than me, more than you
More than us

[Verse 2]
You're married now with a child
Your husband is proud of his wife
I wait in the dark for the dawn of the sun
To start a new life
I wait in the dark for the dawn of the sun

What could it have been that stole our joy from the start
I loved you more than I thought, I silently gave you my heart.
What was worth more than our love
What was worth more, more than me, more than you
More than us


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