inner pond

Людмила Прасад
If you want to create an unbreakable bond
With your own inner self, you should live in a pond.

It’s a lovely location, extremely serene,
With a comforting palette of aquamarine.

Be a lily that’s brilliant at staying afloat,
With a dragonfly being its heaviest load.

Be a goldfish adept at maneuvering in
Any place that’s designed to befuddle a fin.

Be a pebble that’s never afraid of the deep
Where it rarely tosses and turns in its sleep.

Be a nymph (not the bug but the mythical kind),
With a face that’s eternally fresh and unlined.

It’s a quiet existence with nothing beyond
The occasional splash if you live in a pond.

The exclusive reclusive elusive beau monde
Of your own inner self:
Your own inner pond.

Claude Monet, Water Lilies 1916-19