in shadows

Людмила Прасад
A moth can devastate a heavy coat,
A drop of water can destroy a rock,
And mystery is deadly to a goat
‘Cause curiosity in goats runs amok.

In shadows where unclear sensations float,
In corners where suspense is at its best,
You’re guaranteed to see a watchful goat
So still an expert spy will be impressed.

A furtive kiss or an illicit note,
A secret stockpile of forbidden books:
There’s nothing sneaky that escapes a goat
That thrives on shifty moves and guilty looks.

In any place, no matter how remote,
Without transparency, you’ll quickly flip your lid:
You will be closely watched by every goat,
From an extremely old one to a kid.

Dosso Dossi, The Three Ages of Humans, c.1515