
Людмила Прасад
Some will say that soap is boring
Wishy-washy, slippery
But if your neatness needs restoring
Soap can make you glittery
Centre and periphery
Injury- and effort-free
True and proven story

Some admit that soap is useful
Pity their one-sidedness
Soap can make you feel more youthful
Not just give you tidiness
Soap can treat misguidedness
Dullness, mental idleness
Honest, super truthful

In the midst of all the trouble
All the muddle, dust and rubble 
Make yourself a shiny bubble
Out of soap – or make it double
Fill yourself with air and light
Charm, serenity, delight
Float and never ever stop


Jean Simeon Chardin, Soap Bubbles, c.1733–34