a tiny coin

Людмила Прасад
He looks so noble – that’s a plus.
Unlikely he will make a fuss
If he discovers my deceit, 
And I can see he thinks I’m sweet.
His eyes are kind – another boon.
A flirty smile is not taboo
If it can guarantee success
Amid this mess.

The hungry kids, the grumpy guests,
An honest hostess never rests…
If you were me, you would agree
It all adds up to misery.
It takes a toll to run this place.
I dream of wearing silk and lace
And taking long exotic trips,
Not taking tips.

A tiny coin can liberate you
From those who bother and berate you, 
From those who look you up and down
And frown.
A tiny coin can be your ally,
Your saving grace, your winning tally. 
So use your guile to make a pile
And smile.

Pieter de Hooch, Playing the Hostess c.1670