I work and dance...

Иван Расулов
i work and dance
and no offence
i dance with words
i work with walls
my knees are shaking
my dreams half-broken
but i am here to make it,
i have no choice!
and so do you!
we are like weirdos
in the zoo.
i have an old guitar
my soul is even older
it talks to me sometimes
when i'm alone
a loaner
and then it comes
the other world
forbidden parts
and fruity chords
i sit and play
and lightly sing
and nothing else
i need, for real!
i have to go
to finish stuff
i wish i could
be more above
it all depends
on circumastances
on your mood
i wish i could
it's others' song
it's getting late
i have to go...
don't make me sad!