My soul, don t cry! The wounds hurt today

Людмила Ангелуца
My soul, don't cry!
The wounds hurt today as autumn rain-
You live in agony and hell in this world.
The vain years will pass like a smoke pain,
The enemies will disappear in the murk forever!
And happiness will be and so you will behold
The sun shining so brightly, simply, ever...
You'll understand: all were not for nothing,
You'll fly up like a dove, hugging the world...
You'll see the fate of them, who evil did.
My soul, be strong!
Awhile remain indeed,
To be a christian you're lucky -
So many years you worked and tried!
A crumb by crumb, a tear by tear, by mucky
You keep yourself, you were in exhaustion,
Cried, asking the Mighty One sometimes...
Avoided greed and stinginess destrucstion,
You passed the inferno of cunning anytimes.
Keep yourself by prayer like before, forever
You are a sufferer of God, a human ever!

English translation of my poem ( by myself).