Why its so important - to love and be loved?

Замир Осоров
I told you that more 50 percent of my time I live inside you,
other part of time I rest outside of your body.
I thought it might be very good for your health
when someone who loved and adored you
living with you inside you and outside,on your surface.

All our body and soul functions worked better,
every our cell approaching new heights
in its inner unbelievable complex activities
if someone who loves us
deeply involved into that processes.
Our planet also not so quickly destructed
if Humankind were love more and care about it and earthlings.

So if I am living inside you and you inside me
and this marvelous interweaving
just going to be more and more deeper, wider and richer,
if our universes emerging with such lovely ways,
of course,we both will have great benefits,sweetheart.

Much less suffered from pains, illnesses
and other dysfunctions
and our joint immune system creates wonder
in protecting us from all our enemies
and our inner fabrics and labs
where our gene's reborn, replicated and reconstructed -
our stem cells multiplying and getting better and better,
of course, lead us to much better life and future
with less weakness,suffer,frail and fails
from which beauty of life corrupted and destructed.

That’s why we so adore love and to be loved, hey
Because our soul and body know where we can find Cup of Grail.