To my angel

Замир Осоров
"Everything about you so perfect seems
I almost feel like you came out of a dream
I know that I prayed each day for someone like you
And now I know that all my wishes came true"

Thank you very much!
I am came out of blue
from your dreams
and you too
came to me from my dreams and visions!
We are both then
the pure dreamy creatures,
had lived in airy-cloudy images
which we saw through the window of airplane
floating high above hills, rivers, villages!
I always stared to this pictures
on sky and clouds
and wanted to know
who are living there,
inhabiting this marvelous castles and garden,
and take steps there and meet someone?

My heart knew from the very beginning
that you  born and lived there,
waited for me so long
when I ascend to this world and buildings.