the ugly duckling

Людмила Прасад
Here is a fact that is hard to refute:
Ducklings are ducks, whether ugly or cute.
Make no mistake - they are having you on:
First you’re a duckling and then you’re a swan?
Totally ludicrous. Picture a wren
Turning into a flamingo when
Passing the stage of a fledgling. Absurd.
Nature has rules that extend to each bird.
Maybe it’s different for ducks if their looks
Get so distorted in rivers and brooks
That they appear impossibly changed?
Doubt it. Miracles can’t be arranged.
Ducklings are ducks, whether pretty or plain.
Cygnets are swans. It’s a cinch to explain.
Average, gorgeous – no matter: it’s you.
Look in the mirror and relish the view.

Image by Mark Iwanicki