New Age

Валео Лученко
What do you know about freedom,
Fatamorgana's voluntary prisoners?
You're scared to pop out the chalk circles
drawn around you by swindlers, ghouls and freaks
parasitizing on your fears
and pseudo-patriotic complexes.
Even when some Superhero sweeps away the chalk here,
you'll huddle in your stables, terrified forever.
Are you really descendants of glorious knights
and noble farmers and herdsmen?
What do you know about freedom, free will and dignity,
parishioners of the Absorbing Illusion Church?

Why all this pathos, dear Anthony?
Whom you address these loud shakes of air for?
Did you forget that we are not in the nativity scene?
Anthony, hey! Do you hear me?

The dragon of life blew a golden flame,
and the Dragon of Death blew blue one.
All of a sudden he forgets all the words.
His heart sinks, cold sweat, hard breathing.

When the snow comes down the streams
and the rivers get out of the banks,
something elusive will initially be sown in the human hearts.
The world will no longer be like this,
where people are an improved model of ants,
scattered after the loss of the uterus in crazy worlds.
All cargo cults and sciences,
where rubbish lives instead of truth,
will fade and soon disappear.
The incomprehensible is coming to us.
Let's get ready to accept it in our hearts.
Let's not be afraid!
We have to wait a little longer.
Let's listen to distant sounds.
The most sensitive among us are able to hear:
angelic chorales and the dragon wings rustles.

10.57 17/04 2021
© Copyright: Valentin Luchenko, 2021