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Èî Ëàíòà
Hey, silly woman
Did you offer him a meeting ?
Was it your idea?
Did you ask him
If it would be convenient to have you
Before his trip? Good
He said he can be ready by 9
Aha, you are already dressed by 9
Ready to go? 
Do you count minutes before his arrival?
Just relax
Be prepared to wait for an hour
Or two
Because he is not in hurry to see you
No, he doesn’t have sense of urgency
To send you a message
Why he hasn’t come
Did you find a good reason for him
Not to come? Good
You are so easy in use
Call him in hope that
On his way he will stop by your house
Nope, he is already far
He won’t ask you how you are feeling
He won’t express his sorry about the lost meeting
He will ask you: “Are you happy?”
Meaning  your minute counting
And waiting time
You should say: “Yes, I am happy
I always trust you when you say
You are ready by 9
And I always try to be ready by that time
I believe that by 9 or soon after 9 I will see you,
And you will come.
It’s ok if you sometimes don’t come.
It’s ok if you don’t inform me why you are ready but don’t come.
I am still happy “
And he will murmur in his beard:
“He he, silly woman.”

12 Ìàðòà 2021