Oak and Snowdrop

Николаев Владимир Денисович
Every spring below snow
Borns the Snowdrop.
There is speedy river flow.
Flower has a hope.

It daydreams of see a forest.
It daydreams of breeze.
"Brother oak, you are strongest, —
It said, — Help me, please!"

"I agree, my little flower," —
Oak said so soft.
Oak's crown became lower.
Snow has been doffed.

Flower is more strong than others.
It will never stop.
We can see two close brothers:
Oak and Snowdrop.

P.S. В английском я не силён. И писалось это в качестве упражнения на употребление слов.
Так что прошу не кидать в меня tomatoes)))