Two kind of super race

Замир Осоров
Just imagine what happened
if a pilot of Formula I or II
before kickoff start
drunk just one unite of vodka or whisky, heck
where he can drove in and wreck?

 Meanwhile the myriads races
which is run  inside of our cells
in our entire body and brain
for the sake of our life and its functioning,   
so incessant and limitless,
so outmatched
what we see in super-race in Monaco, 
million times more complicate,
intense, precise, subtle and tragic.
Why then people so often relax
or even perk up with the drop of strong alco?
when  such way of inspire
for our brain
much riskier, damaging and suicidal,
if you want to win in this championship
or just to live
in terms and norms of behavior essential,   
as healthy life-style
successful and civilized?