The Universal Nature Of Soul - Alexis karpouzos

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The “deamon” of Socrates is the voice of God that works inside us, it is an echo of the voice that governs the Universe and defines the operation of everything in the world. This way, Socrates unites in a mutual substance the man, the Universe and the God! Socrates cogitates the sky, detects the stars, envisions the entire world and within him there is the profound conviction that through the “cosmic creation” and the “human fate”, a superior Intellect, which is an imprint of our own Intellect, dominates.

Democritus and Lefkipos supported that the atoms are the last molecules of matter which are not susceptible to incisions (they cannot be divided) or fluctuations, are unborn, indestructible, unchangeable and indivisible, complete and perfect, compact, united and simple, while they are numerically infinite, vastly varied in shape and move continuously in space. Namely, using contemporary terminology, Lefkipos and Democritus introduced an energy “conservation principle” of the atom.

Plato believed that every phenomenon of the world is deceptive and everything perceived by the human senses is an illusion. Through Virtue, Plato discovers the immaterial world, which he calls an Idea, and he becomes the founder of Ideocracy. The interpretation of the matter of the visible world is a fraud, for Plato. The soul has a divine origin, it is related to the Ideas, but it is the only thing in the world that is similar to the Ideas. By knowing, the soul of the divine becomes divine itself and equal to God Himself. Dialectics is the queen of the sciences and the only path to true knowledge.

The eastern and Asian philosophies and religions were led through introspection, meditation, intuition, insight and mystical experience to the understanding of the deep structure of the natural world. We could say that they do not constitute philosophies, with the west notion of the term, since they are not expressed by the rational intellect, the logical argument and the declarative language of science, but by parables, allegories, images and poetic language.

The eastern philosophy points a path to the revelation of truth, namely the living experience that humans, plants, animals, the planet, the stars, everybody and everything is One. Everything is made of the same “universal matter”. The separations are metaphysical abstractions and mental constructions. The difference between the western and the eastern and Asian thought is the way that we will reach the ultimate knowledge, the knowledge of wholeness. There is no methodology on the western sense, a system of predefined rules that aim on a purpose. There is the path of the personal search. That is why we support that the “knowledge” is not mental, namely impersonal, but it is experiential, i.e., personal. The “knowledge” is ineffable and inexpressible, for it is not expressed in words, but shown with attitude, manner and style.