forbidden magic

Людмила Прасад
A pumpkin turned into a coach?
Preposterous, to say the least.
It’s time we found a safe approach:
A pumpkin patch should be policed 
And magic should be plain forbidden
To fairies with their sudden spells.
A pumpkin’s at its best when hidden
In leafy lots with earthy smells. 

This concept is a cinch to follow.
It’s based on basic veggie rights.
To be a coach, you must be hollow
And motorized - and offer rides
In very stressful work conditions
Involving lizards, rats and mice.
It’s time we started a petition
To save our pumpkins from demise.

A basic veggie right: to ripen
In peaceful rows under the sun. 
Whoever heard a pumpkin griping
That life is fancier for some?
No matter blemish free or scruffy,
It’s always quietly content.
In traffic things are treated roughly.
You blink – et voila: a dent.

A pumpkin is averse to tension
That plagues a coach or a spy.
Let’s help it reach its full potential
And grace our table as a pie.