A 1000 watts shot through her soul - 2004

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A 1000 watts shot through her soul
The very moment he'd walk in.
All logic gone, no show, no role,
Damn proper thoughts barred shut within.
"Hello... alright?"
"Guess, it will do"
"You are superb"
"Go on with you!"
"No, really, really! You're the best...
Well, got to go. 'Till our next!"
And off he goes to please the crowd.
Her heartbeat's pounding - very loud -
A silly smile,
A stinging tear
Light up existence for a flash,
But seconds later - it's all ash.
The aching gnawing - face askew -
The silent whisper,

(c)kRu, 15.01.2004-16.01.2004