
Серафима Пронина
I can’t hide away from the darkness in me.
The stone on the way:
Choose what you wanna be.
A book page,a comet, a flood or some chimes-
You get one and never confess of your crimes.
Go forward, the stallion waits right ahead:
Get on it- the horseman is already dead.
Deep into the valley the trees are dark-red.
This is poison ivy- each word that you said.
Don’t pass them: get off and kneel down for a while.
They’re asking: “You’ll swim in the river of Nile?”
The ancient, the wisest, it washes all off.
Courageous, you rise up and hopelessly sob...
This is what you wanted- the answer is clear:
The book page, the comet, the chimes are sincere...
But they all come after. The flood is the main.
You’re punished with laughter. It eases the pain.