The Emperor s Baby Dragon

Êèñà Ìóðûñà
Once upon a time, there was an emperor, who had a baby dragon.

He was going to train him to be a big and strong dragon, to protect his


But the dragon was too little yet and very mischievous, and

always did something funny or not so funny.

This dragon was a fire dragon!
Sometimes he burped with fire, so they

had to keep a few buckets of

water on hand just in case all the time.

Because of his ability to set things on fire, he had to live in a stable

with iron bars for safety.

One not so happy day a servant did not close the gates properly and

the dragon escaped.

The emperor was very upset when the next day he finds out.

He sent

out a few bunches of soldiers to look for his dragon, but all of

they came empty-handed.

So he decided he goes himself.

He mounted his horse and rode off.

He did not know where to look for him but he listened to his heart.

It was a long time since he left his castle.

One day he saw a lumberman in the forest and asked him:

---- Did you see or hear anything about a baby dragon?

And the lumberman said

----No sorry I did not hear of him anything, I make a lot of noise so I

scare all the animals away.

So the emperor kept searching.

Then on a high mountain, he saw an observatory, he knocked on the

door and an old astrologer came out to him.

---- I lost my baby dragon said the emperor, did you see him by any


And astrologer said
--- Sorry I only count the stars and I could not see anything but the

stars, and daytime I have to sleep. It is getting late, do you want to

count stars tonight with me, emperor?
The emperor was really tired and happy to get a company.

He said
--- Sure that sounds interesting.

They had a good dinner together and went to count stars, but the

emperor missed his dragon very much, he was not happy counting

stars and half the way through the night went to sleep so tomorrow


can wake up early to continue his mission.


He now went to the other side of the mountain.

 And there he saw a

shepherd with his flock of sheep

He was so sad, he came down his horse and set beside

the shepherd, who was going to have lunch.

Shepherd said:

---- Hi emperor,  why are you so sad? Would you like to have

lunch with me?  I have the best bread and cheese around this place!

The emperor told him his story while they had lunch together.

cheese and bread he tried were really the best he ever tried.

When they finished the Shepperd said
---- I can help you, emperor! Look at my sheep!

He took his flute and started to play a nice tune and all of his


came close to him.

Then he said
---Let me try playing another tune and well see what happened


started to play.
His music flew far away in the mountains.
He kept playing for some

time and a miracle happened - the baby

the dragon flew over their


The emperor was very happy!

He noticed that the shepherd had a good notion of animals and asked

him to come with him to the caste to help him to train his dragon.

But the shepherd said that he loved his sheep very much and if he

goes there is no one to take care of them.

---  I will make a flute for you, so you always can call your dragon,

said the shepherd.

So he did.

When he finished he said

-- This is a magic flute if you play the tune thinking of something you

need your dragon to do he will obey.

See emperor, you don't need me, said the shepherd. 

The  emperor thanked the Shepperd and happily went home with his

baby dragon.

The end.