To those, who...

Никита Полуэктов
No matter who you are, the righteous or the sinner
The entropy will take it's toll at last
To those who suffer and to all their feeling
I wrote this poem. To all us,
Who had been waiting for the destiny's great mercy
And who had never waited long enough,
I am declaring this unholy verses
That make me proud while they make you laugh.
The life is deep as ocean's deepest corner
Although it seems to us that it has dried,
We are consuming grief as healing poison,
And nothing would have changed if we had died.
Well, people come and go for ages,
But something will not disappear for good -
The thousands of buried hatches,
That nobody has seen or understood.
Mistakes that we have made and things we've chosen
Will follow us till our mellow grave,
By sin we born. By sin we are enclosing
Our path of loathing, misery and shame.
And by its end, the cold embrace of Hallow,
With mishaps will we always come to terms,
And we'll regret of never being happy,
Of devastating our own souls.
The day the newborn morning sun arises
Will come to temper with the darkness of the night,
So we should fight - to brighten new horizons
Of our ravaged thickets of the mind.