
Франсиа Александрова
here comes
my minute of silence
intrusive approach
of which gods have proclaimed
to be saint in this world

don’t u miss me at all
i’m tired of hurting
for every soul that i see
for each memory
that you shan’t recall

my heart is shattered
not broken
would you like a piece of it raw?
i’m tired of waiting
for you to return
that which you've shamelessly stole

there’re mountains (for me)
to crawl
in order to reach you
if i may at all
for you are sky tall

unreachable love
my legs shall remain
engraved to your heart

forgive me for i
haven’t forgotten
the momentum we shared
in awe of the darkening
world , behind the glass door
which forever remains
closed shut for eternally sore
blue eyes of yours

unreachable love
you are sky tall
and my arms
shall forever remain engraved
to the cruelest heart in the world