
Кобылянский Иосиф
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ибо, и одну из моих стихотворений перевели:
 Daniel Reynaud and Rochelle Bews)
...if I would grab him,
In my imagination or virtually
And would kiss the sole of the great poet,s foot,
Maybe he would hobble a bit afterwards,
Anxious not to crush my kiss.

Then of his own accord Nichita –
Would affer me his book – of unwords,
While a woman would offer me her little shoe.

Вот сточки и в оригинале.

”Eu cartea voi deschide-o si voi citi-o
Iar „pantofiorul” ei, de-l voi incerca
Ma va strange si-mi va produce o placere.” (ro)

Then the Poet would be joyful,
And would tell me in friendly fashion:
Know my brother that her „little shoe”
The tighter it is for you,
The better for both you and her.

And I believed you
And I did not worry
That you would fear –
Not to crush my kiss –
Becuase this is not your first kiss...(en)

А в изображение: Aнтология "Вис ку Никита".(Сны с Никитой, Стэнеску разумеется) 12 том. 2020 год. Бухарест.