If you believe in one terrestrial life

Ольга Крубер-Федорова
If you believe in one terrestrial life,
Considering it a temporary strife,
Then at its end you wait for the eternal rest,
With which you are quite worthy to be blessed.

All sufferings you’re trying to avoid,
This life for you is something to be enjoyed,
And like a child preferring to cavort,
For a terrestrial life is very short.

When understanding that death is not an end,
This life you will be able to comprehend,
Its roots are spreading back some ancient times,
Its top is heading forth along eternal lines.

There isn’t any reason to join the worldly race,
You have enough time to keep wise steady pace,
To bear in each life some worthy fruit,
When wandering along the earthly route.

And after happiness the wise hunt not at all,
Into the background they usually fall,
They do their best to thoroughly deserve,
That Inner Ruler they could truly serve.