Reservation on the phone

Николай Левитов

– Hello! Can I help you? – Oh, I think you can.
I need a small room, single room for the night,
good meals and a bath, a fireplace and then
a desk with some paper, some ink and a pen,
including the view of the garden. Alright?

– It's easy. Well, anything else? – Yes, of course.
I need some imagery, inspired emotion:
a battlefield, armour, a sword and a horse,
and mountains, and grottoes, the sea rocky shores,
the bottomless deep of the thunderous ocean!..

Hey, are you still there? – Yes, I am. Go ahead. –
I need bursts of feelings, poetic delight.
I need the whole world to turn in my sight.
Besides, one more thing... – Oh, that's rather not bad
but we'd better start with a room for the night.