What Defiance Of Nature Leads To?

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Some people check and verify data on CoronaV so can adjust accordingly and some, in laziness and ignorance re-print junk from junk sources claiming hat hospitals in the US are empty and virus is a conspiracy by the Oligarchs.

I don’t want to call those people idiots but they are not much smarter.
It makes sense to watch the world and local statistics about  the virus.

When the Government, even though with a huge delay announced to abstain from unnecessary  contacts to avoid contracting and spreading the virus, of course, it makes sense to abstain..

The Government can’t possibly benefit when you stay home and the whole economy is affected negatively by so many people not producing.
It, simply, is trying to function as a country, realizing that only alive and healthy people can move economy, as well as trying to save itself from the astronomical medical costs and resources and other costs involved.
Only deviant or stupid minds can’t realize those basic  verities.

It is common sense that best moves right now are to live in the country and to work from home if can manage that by staying away from masses but to be  as close to nature a possible.

It makes sense to get enough imperishable food so don’t have to go to stores ,exposing yourself to possibly contaminated air there, as don’t know who was there before you.

What is a probability that during days and days, someone walked where with an active virus?
At least, 50%.

Does it make sense for that about  50% not to  take a chance but to order food online?
It, also, makes sense to stay calm and build stronger and healthier immune system.

When possible, to be in fresh air.
And to be kind and tolerant to each other, keeping own stress in check and not unloading it on people around you.
Some panic and get rid of their pets. Insanity and super-selfishness.
Only traitors abandon their pets, as the some rush to animal shelters to give up their pets in a hurry.

It makes sense to follow common sense in everything
After the peak of the virus, it would start subsiding, as such as mathematical and biological formulas and behaviors of viruses.

We shall recover and doom day is only a trend for lost souls, which reprint any junk, as that is the state of their mind regardless of any virus.
Any virus can replicate out of control only when human mind is in disarray, altering the balance of nature causing virus to replicate chaotically.
Why? Because your mind affects your body.

Nature is never chaos, unless humans wreck it on Nature themselves.
Animals don't do it.  They are not equipped to do so,
Humans' greed and disrespect is quite capable of it.

This virus is not a natural cause spitted by nature randomly , which had the virus in check prior to human interference, again, triggered by some human minds making wrong decisions.

When people would realize that Natural Laws and Balance must be learned and observed and not interfered with, as that interference is not better than natural process but only leads to calamities.
Not Nature, pard my French fucks up people, but, people screw up Nature and here is the result

Either bio-chemically experimented on by the Virology Lab in Wuhan, China or as a result of eating contaminated bats in Wet Animal markets in China where animals that don't come naturally in contact with each other in Nature are held too close to each other in horrendous conditions breeding all kinds of diseases and then people eat what is already contaminated is secondary to the fact that the humans interfered with the natural processes of Nature and all endure now.

Let’s learn from it and  and, finally, learn that studying natural Harmony and Balance from Nature is the best assurance of the same.

Is it so hard to see that the roots in Nature and natural are exactly the same and defiance of that can't continue unaccountably forever'?