Corruption Of Bidens

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Biden used his position to put his son Hunter Biden Biden served on the board of Burisma Holdings, a major Ukrainian natural gas producer, from 2014 to 2019.
He had zero qualifications/background in reference to Ukraine, its ways, language, and gas business.

Daddy’s position did its miracle.

Hunter Biden received a one-time payment of $3 million from the Ukraine that went through Latvia and then to Cyprus, before entering the U.S.

Much monies were embezzled which just disappeared to no surprise.

Of course, the daddy got his share from the grateful son.

One should ask how and why Bidens received $3 million when Hunter officially was receiving compensation of up to $50,000 per month in some months.

When the investigation in Ukraine was launched, Joe Biden used his political influence to halt it

In 2013, the younger Biden would be part of an official U.S. delegation to the country.

Joe Biden couldn’t just openly embezzle monies so a private firm is formed and relatives and friends put it. Deals are made with foreign countries including giving their firms favorable status using political influence in return for shares of profits from the set up firms and joined ventures.
Biden had no shame to compromise the US interests as long as monies were flowing to his son’s firm for joint sharing.

Ten days later, Rosemont entities inked a $1 billion deal with the bank of China. The deal was eventually increased to $1.5 billion.

Hunter Biden controlled the Rosemont entities, which describes itself as “a $2.4 billion private equity firm

Deals made by the firm — co-owned by the government of China and the two sons of top American officials — would go on to have serious national security implications for the United States. One such deal was with the automotive subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), a major Chinese military contractor accused of frequently stealing U.S. military technology.
American Political Class regardless of the Party, background, etc goes into Politics not to serve the People or US interests but to utilize influence gained and through Corruption to Enrich Family and Friends.

That is the plain Tooth!

After Trump began exposing Bidens, he ventured into something most Politicians don’t do – exposing each other corruption, as they all in it.
So Biden and many other political figures retaliated vs. Trump and began Impeachment Proceedings not so much vs. Trump per-se but a clear message to all the Politicians to never divulge private, dirty dealings to protect each other as a privileged class.

I don’t have any problems or ego involvement if anyone chooses to respect that wide-spread corruption, singling out Trump or anyone.

I am not sure why some are so bothered that I refuse to trust the Media and do my, own, research by plain History and facts into the underlying motives as of any event as well.