
Владимир Шубников
Who is hiding behind a tree?
He doesn't know that we see.
The dog is hiding behind a tree.
Then he says - ruff, (ruff) - look for me.

Who is catching a butterfly?
And he says - ruff, ruff - goodbye
The dog is catching a butterfly.
But it's waving at him - bye.

Who brings us a stick as a gift?
And he'd like that we sniff it.
The dog brings us a stick as a gift.
Then he says - ruff, ruff - throw it.

Bingo, Bingo is a clever dog
But he doesn't like to walk
He likes always to play with us
And we take together this chance.
B  I  N  G  O,
B  I  N  G  O,
Bingo is a jolly dog
He can jump like a frog.
Bingo, Bingo is a smart dog
And we like together to talk.
He likes always to play with us
And we take together this chance.