
Артём Мещеряков 36
Once a snow-white angel appeared by the road.
In the spring evening he walked along the street.
The stars in the sky lit his pathway forward,
Moonlight as a carpet laid it.

In the peace of the evening, his gaze, gliding quietly,
Slowly drowned among the many ways.
From his smile from the deep soul, rising slightly,
There was a stream of unearthly light waves.

He looked at everything with heavenly blue eyes,
Thousands of lights burned in them...
He hid behind dark buildings, was gone in dim lights
Of lamps that stayed near the road.  All the same

Stars in the clear sky that were full of great sorrow,
Tried to find him again. The trees
On the ground remained silent. It waited as if tomorrow
The day would come when he'd return in peace.
Ноябрь 2019 - август 2020