I Love My Life

Татьяна Парыгина
My precious life, I love you very dearly!
I wake up daily full of gratitude.
Wish there were more of us not thinking plainly...
Could we appreciate you being in solitude?

My dearest life, when I go through bad times
I thank you for experience even tough.
The fruits of learning might be sour limes...
I realize fewer hardships aren't enough.

My lovely life, you wake my consciousness
And brandish my drawbacks under my nose.
You help me grope my way into the darkness
So I could recognize what you expose.

My splendid life, your wisdom's all-embracing:
It spreads all over hugest universe.
No matter how we try we can't erase it
Submerged in our excuses and reverse.

My darling life, we'll try with all our might
Not to get lost in labyrinth of days,
Not to neglect your value, charm, delight,
Regard those pretty secrets you contain!

18th July, 2019