People of the Sea

Александр Кнопф
In endless vastness of the ocean,
Where Time goes by in slow motion,
There live in harmony and free
The dolphins, People of the Sea.

They have no worries of the past,
Or how long the life will last.
They don’t ask questions “when” and “how”.
They live in current moment, now.

They are intelligent and wise.
And, if you look in their eyes,
You’ll see that dolphins, young or old,
Have all the knowledge of the world.

They swim and hunt; they come and leave;
They play and love; they simply live.
And, young at heart, this ancient race
Makes planet Earth a better place.

They treated me as welcomed guest
And made me feel like I was blest.
I was at home, happy, free.
I miss you, People of the Sea!