Take my hand, mother

Игорь Русланович Ситников
Take my hand, mother.
 The path to childhood, let's find.
 All who are not with us for a long time,
 We'll find it and bring it back!
 Let's go with you, honey,
 On our memorable places,
 Let's find what we lost,
 & nbsp;Ine leave more there!
 Come on,let's go with you,for childhood,
 Where are you, waiting for me home.
 Where, I was your daughter-
 The most beloved,darling!
 Where are we,on autumn nights,
 They loved to listen to the rain,
 Or talking about something,
 Walking slowly through the leaves!
 Take my hand, mother.
 Hold me to your chest.
 & quot;Wait, don't darling,
 Listen to your daughter-don't go!"
 But my mother said gently-
 "No,my dear daughter-
 You got your fate,
 And my daughter is mine!
 I'm standing on the threshold,
 That will lead me to God.
 His, soul of I voice hear-
 long me to itself calls!"
 Quietly my mother squeezed my hand,
 A tear rolled down her cheek.
 And faintly a shadow flickered-
 Under the images - in the corner!