Broken by sleep

Игорь Русланович Ситников
And flowed in a waterproof
 And how else to notice the talent
 All the mountains rose a little higher
 What raised the falseness
 And in a special way they began to watch the stars
 Not everyone is looking at them
 It happens and it happens
 In perpetual repair & nbsp; pick
 Don't we understand
 When & nbsp; you find and then you lose
 When dropped unnecessary
 A & nbsp; tomorrow you start to get bored
 And in the suburbs of unfamiliar places
 The regions of your darkness
 All theorems turn out to be
 Daub an artist for once or so
 And maybe it will become clearer
 Why did you pick up the paint
 And don't be afraid to ruin the canvas
 After all, everything that can be, before you have long been spoiled
 And I'll write the words  so that even the janitors remembered
 And I will write myself in a way that even I did not write
 And let the bears RUB against the rocks
 In two parallel worlds
 That & nbsp; bear has long noticed the milky way
 And we can't leave it
 And she couldn't sleep now
 Always about whom  something I want to remember
 Always, I want to write something in a notebook
 The pages must be alive now
 They began to feel pain
 They probably turn themselves over
 You can't do that in a coffin
 And high-high the sun cries
 To us comes rays-tears
 And I had a dream – talent
 Took his hand, broke his fingers under him
 Said when you came out of your sleep
 Do not treat – just leave it so and not otherwise
 They've been scrapping their fingers ever since
 Tear words sheets of a notebook
 Since then, I'm not looking for myself, just put the rows in stacks