
Игорь Русланович Ситников
Two-faced Janus, he Krasko and Levin
 One is heavenly and the other is earthly
 In the Union of spirit and soul it is not changed
 It's not the first time he's been born like this
 Heads and tails, a creature of the coin
 Where the obverse is Zeus, and the reverse is vanity
 One of the verses sung in heaven
 Another closer in the life of beauty
 They are in me, but different in essence
 Born of heaven and earth
 Like facets in a noble emerald
 Sparkle brightly, just lighten up
 Where alpha and omega are, there is space
 The scope of the soul, for each of us
 In difference we find the consistency
 A skew, this is a full-face portrait of the code
 The whole world was made for two people
 And between them we now live
 Where is destined to converge in one duet
 And only then will we find happiness
 Symmetry in nature is given to us
 Harmony gives an excellent example
 It must be complete to the end
 And therefore can not be duplicitous…
  Source: https://poembook.ru/poem/2301075-dvulikij-yanus