New year s philosophy

Игорь Русланович Ситников
He goes, opening his arms to the world,
 Passing through the sea, through forests and along rivers.
 And sometimes, forgetting the Holy Crucifixion,
 Flies away in dreams naughty man.
 It goes through the wind, through the snow and frost,
 Promising expensive dawns in the night.
 And a man sings his songs among the stars –
 To comfort myself collecting stories.
 There are no sighs, no tears from the walking again,
 Although time is a living mark.
 And man calls love into his heart,
 Praising the coming new age.
 It goes through December and January
 And, entering the spring, opens us summer,
 Autumn will also come – on the wall calendar
 Heralds the movement of eternity bright.
 It goes, and the earth's axis rotates,
 Alternating luminaries in the mystery of this century…
 Again came the New year to pour a handful of joy
 In the heart of a suffering man.