Bless me for the feat

Игорь Русланович Ситников
      the soul body is sown, the spiritual body rises... & nbsp; 1 Cor. 15-44
 Bless me for the feat
 Do not regret your soul
 To fall at Your feet pierced,
 Sow the body to rise up.
 Flying to you, release
 From the oppression of laziness and vanity.
 Breathe your hope into me,
 Breaking through granite.
 There, on Calvary, Christ sowed his flesh.
 And gave you salvation,
 From the deeds of the sinful,
 So that we can live again.
 But they did not live by their desire
 And lust. Serving others!!!
 We crucify our flesh with Him.
 From the perishable to the risen run!
 Let my song go on and on,
 That my Saviour saved me.
 I want to cling to Your feet,
 Rise in the spirit forever with you Jesus!!!
 June 2, 2018