
Анна Чижова
Through the insanity of scores of hectic days,
Like mechanisms, we carve our narrow ways.
And maybe we just think we have a kind of choice,
But in reality, we follow someone's voice.

The voice dictates us our thoughts and truths.
It tells us what to build and when to cut the roots.
So, after all,we are just automats
Who cannot ever choose another way or path.

But what if just beg to differ this cursed will?
But what if we just shake what seems stable and still?
What happens if we change the so habitual track?
What happens if we choose to not be on the rack?

Then can we perhaps break those strict obtruded rules?
Can we perhaps avoid to act like slaves and fools?
We might then find a way from the deadlock to light
And learn how to reach wisdom and to perceive delight.