
Êàòÿ Âîë÷åê
I don't find jokes about rape
in every shape and form,
And I get really mad
when a man
starts to talk about what kind of rights women need.
Even if it is a joke.
Even if it is done in a form of a stand-up comedy on stage.
Especially if it is done on stage.
Why are you laughing and clapping?
You shouldn’t be too pretty.
You shouldn’t be too ugly.
You shouldn’t laugh too loud,
but you shouldn’t be broody too.
Don’t be too fat,
but also don’t be too skinny.
And, yeah, do not forget that you must love yourself
of course,
keep your mouth shut when it’s needed if you want to be loved.
By the way,
didn’t you know that being a teacher is a life’s calling?
You shouldn’t drink too much either.
Why do you smoke?
Why do you post photos in a swimsuit?
Why do you need poledance?
It’s, you know, for that kind of girls.
Laugh at my jokes while I’m telling you bad things about other girls,
so I can tell the same things about you one day.
Why are you not laughing?

Oh, fuck you.
