Dancing With Myself by Billy Idol

Михаил Денисов Вологда
On the floor of Tokyo
Or down in London town to go, go
With the record selection
And the mirror's reflection
I'm dancing with myself

When there's no-one else in sight
In the crowded lonely night
Well I wait so long
For my love vibration
And I'm dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
Well there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove
I'll be dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
Well there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove
I'll be dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance

Dancing with myself
Dancing with myself
Dancing with myself
Dancing with myself

If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
But your empty eyes
Seem to pass me by
Leave me dancing with myself

So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself

Oh dancing with myself
Oh dancing with myself
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance

В Токио или Лондоне
Без особой разницы мне
С зеркалами вместе
Под любимую песню
Я танцую сам с собой!

От друзей и подруг - обочь
И в насыщенную ночь
Ошалев от безделья
И любовного зелья
Я танцую сам с собой!

Сам на сам я танцую
В этом танце живу я
Я раскован, развязан
Никому не обязан
Я танцую сам с собой!

Я секрет этот знаю давно
Танцовщиц в этом мире полно
А вот для той, что люблю я
Я не существую
И потому - сам с собою танцую!

Так. Рюмашку ещё, и - отбой
Поработаю чуть головой
Когда б представился шанс мне
Сплясал бы с планетою в танце
А пока - пляшу сам с собой!


Я секрет этот знаю давно(...)

Так. Рюмашку ещё, и - отбой(...)

Сам на сам я танцую
В этом танце живу я
Вот представится шанс мне -
- Закружу с Геей в танце

Вот представится шанс мне -
- Закружу с Геей в танце
Я пока сам с собою

Кадр из фильма "Афоня".