Dead blood

Елена Анциферова Логачева
If only there was
Under the blood moon
And I have tampted me
Making forever tame...

Why do I need this night?
Why did I survive this day?
I can not help you.
How to make me yours?
I'm tearing someone's flesh
I can not change anything.
I'd drink your blood again.
I can not forget you.

Away from Desire.
I'm running away from myself.
Mind is clouded
And the soul is aching

I want to be forever
Beating your heart.
In dreams, don't be inconsolable.

Do not destroy the world in vain.
He's not worthy of you.
For times beyond control.

Through darkness I've seen the light...

I'm the name that's under your breath...

Strength inside my veins...

I'm yours like the stillness of a corpse...

I'm cursed...

Cry baby cry...
Cry baby cry...
Cry baby cry...
Cry baby cry...