My heart s in the Highlands...

Натали Любимова
( Highlands - высокогорное место в Шотландии
to achase the deer- преследовать оленя
to follow the roe - следовать за косулей )

A famous poet of ages from here
He wrote the poem of things that were dear
His wonderful name is so pleasant to hear
We all know him, he was William Shakespear...

I so much enjoy all his poems to hear
He wrote of simple things going by near
Achasing the dear and following the roe
These ryhmes touch my heart and I sing them like music
They're always with me just wherever I go...

"My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
My heart's in the Highlands achasing the deer,
Achasing the deer and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go..." ( W. Shakespear quote )

The ages passed away and for those who are here
It's tough to imagine achasing a deer,
We also rarely follow a roe :)
But rhymes are like music wherever we go...

A poet of modern who's living so near
She writes of the things for her heart so dear.
She's never seen deer or followed a roe
That's why she's writing of things that we know...

My heart's with my loved ones,
My heart is not here...
My heart is in care and thoughts of my dear...
Love makes it rotating my world, graw and flow..
My heart 's with my loved ones wherever I go...