Why are you teaching us to buy a friend?

Елизавета Судьина
Why are you teaching us to buy a friend?
It will be closer to the slang of prostitute?
And if we both are close and embrace -
You say that it is too fragile a unity.

And it is not at all spiritual,
But we need above the Ego to rise,
To see in fellow God and as in Morn -
To introduce him to the Sublime Life.

And one fellow is not enough for me,
We need the whole world so that to serve.
After all, it's Award-Merger with Him -
Creater who transfuses the whole world.

And so this song "Millions, embrace!",
As Schiller sang together with Beethoven,
Will remove all the obstacles purchased.
The world lives by the love of souls, not bodies.