About Kol Nidrei. to ML

Елизавета Судьина
I am reading your German blog.
There are other posts for today:
About contact with heaven's soul,
And that we are the piano Creator plays.

And that only then we'll be happy,
When we fill other people's wish,
And then Creator through it, like a dish,
That correctly is taken ,we'll satisfy Him.

I answered to you in your meter,
Your German sounds like poetry:
"Wir sind wie gut gestimmten Klaviere
in perfekter mit uns Harmonie.

Dann spielt diese Verbindung, wir spielen".
Danke shon! Lieber Rav! Danke shon!
Zwei minuten von dankbarer Stille
Erster Juni Sprache-Lektion.

And in Russian you write about Bach,
That desires he fills are too small,
Not eternal, as God over those who write,
Only in good deeds - is the knowledge's growth.

You are high, as always, and sacred
In your hundred languages blog.
Kol Nidrei? Like Beethoven and Rachel?
Kol Nidrei? We will not refuse! Oh!