last kiss didn t help

Кира Данилянц
Last kiss didn’t help and it couldn’t help me anyway
(Why it was so, you can easily see in the end).
Summer city was floating away like an unhurried day;
Like the local theater that closed to be renovated;
Like an off-season period in a nameless resort;
Like a midday in pubs; or a nursery when children have grown;
So, the summer city seemed like there were no
Any strange people but the city, which was floating alone.
Abandoned in night, it was frozen for seeing the magic between,
Turned to us, it was beautiful, solemn and quiet,
Like a scene of a play that was written exactly for me, 
Where the kiss in the end always burns the bridges behind.
The city was waiting the final, was floating away
Shining in dawn with the magnificent outline.
Last kiss didn’t help and it couldn’t help me anyway:
I was in love, but I wasn’t loved in reply.  

Russian version: