Love is

Валерия Павленко 2
Your eyes,
Your words,
And my answer of course yes....
As ever, you are sweet, and gentle...
You are on ocean,
As it is boundless,
Let them sometimes,
Be reserved, but I know,
Subtle soul...

And say slowly: love it,
The beginning of the world,
My comet,
Your planet,
Fire on the tongue,
Restrain in me...
I do not hide,
Any more feelings,
After all, after darkness,
The morning will come...
To love you and to live.
The other is no longer,
To be...

All your actions,
For the benefit,
And words, are not,
Necessary hug...
The tact of our bodies,
And then what you wanted.
I will fullfil,
I will remember...
Do not be an angel,
I too...
It seems that love forever,
And we are careless,
Enjoy, each other...
Love is not difficult,
For each other my ideal,
And I tell perfection.
And rabies, will cover those,
Who says to love you is my sin...
Laughter to them in return!!
Love is beautiful,
And a little dangerous...
Our meeting...
I'm coming to you,
In the night on the counter...