Melting Snow of No

Àííà Ãðóäèíèíà Ëè
There were times of dreadful poison:
People shattering my dream.
Through my soul grew vast erosion
Eating up alive – I’d scream,

Blow up wide like supernova
Of emotions fading fast,
Waiting for until it’s over
Just to fall asleep at last,

Dreaming about shooting prairies
Where I could finally breathe
Freedom to wolf down, like berries,
Leave this ghost town far beneath.

Every time to fight, to dare
Never knowing where to go,
When there was no one to care…
Just my shadow saying ‘No’.

However, I know I’ll make it,
Won’t be blinded by this mess.
I’ll be brave enough to take it,
I’ll be able to say ‘Yes’.
