52 inglish- the ending the chapter. or what here?

Владимир Смелостев
52_inglish- the Ending the CHAPTER. OR WHAT HERE?

It is 4 variants of an Electronic magazine. For myself - I have worked with an insert in the text of the images as photos and few figures, that in what that of a small degree will tell to you about variety of woodcarving. It seems of Types and Versions of woodcarving up to two tens will be typed(collected), and up to ten they can be repeated itself, having the minimal set of the tool and cutters. Certainly, plane manual and manual лобзик – hand little saw - what to plane a board and to cut from it(her) a board for kitchen quite probably to any, or it is simple for this purpose to buy a board from any wood in a household shop. Further all rests against the Drawing for the most accessible Geometrical groove and you, certainly, draw the elementary drawing, but would be desirable certainly, that that more seriously to cut out, as in the catalogues on last pages. In _ВВЕДЕНИЕ - came in-In RUSSIAN GROOVE, And In INTRODUCTION In a FLAT GROOVE all is in detail described, and not complex(difficult) receptions of construction of the drawings for Geometrical are told in general(common) that and Кудринской to a groove are devoted on pair of figures in both magazines. As you will guess a photo above it is a breadboard model of page and the printer will unpack(print out) her(it) automatically in the size of page А4, that is for a typewriter. It is Printed меной and scanned images. Quality of the images sufficient, checked, that распечать all pages, that have liked you for your jobs, or what to read. Besides the text as is submitted on each file.


1. Press _F7 a function Key, but not F and with her 7? That that in the Top number(line). Гапиши, - print-например- may be-РЕЗЬБА –CARVING-and pressing Ентер. In this folder having pressed for F7 make two folders, напримерТекст _, and the Image, is usual пишут_Тхт and Jpg for the images.
2. Having pressed the Right button on Картинке-imagine-, here to Page figure выберите_Сохранить as well as, place it(him) in a folder with –Картинка – imagine- , or, соответственно_Jpg/. Number(room) of page, if the file will be not 1, 2, 3 and so далее_Присвой –print-itself, that would be possible to read the text, if what that word Is not legible in the Image. Such images pair is.
3. The text save так_ Allocate егол by the Left button of the mouse, text, or састь – txt black-Почернеет. Выберние –print-in a File to - Save as, save in паке –catalogue- with –Text- or тхт accordingly
4. It is possible after to One to add a little or text.
5. How to cope with Задурившим – broken-by the printer and will fill with his(its) ink, and elimination of a Bad seal, I have given in the Beginning of first and second numbers(rooms).
Well, also wrote all this Владимир Степанович, and all these Корневы, Смелостевы Adjoined to to them неКрыловичи, not псевдомимы... I not I. And cow not main! Я неЯ и лошадь не моя – пословица, a prowerb.