
Владимир Смелостев
P/s/ после Перевода Одна страничка с Русского на Английский – ДЛИННЕЕ на СЕМНАДЦАТЬ СТРОККК – почемУ? Для СЖАТИЯ текст тут не = 12 размера букв а = 10!


2.LET'S* TALK - WHY THEY STUPID(BLUNT)? I shall try to* give a* substantiation 3.to some features англиского of* language, and it is* possible you will 4.understand, why in Russian such ease Изъяснения?


6.Let's* take for an* example Russian, and English languages! First of all in 7.Russian up* to Three were* carried out(spent) it(him), language of* reforms, and it concerned first of all letter and grammar. Originally in the alphabet from Петра 1 was of the letters 36, instead of 23, as now. Well for example there were two letters "Ф", that accordingly referred to as: " " ферт "and" фита ", and on a spelling one letter was as modern " Ф - ф ", that is with a Long stick, and in the second letter the stick did not come for Limits Кружочка. They were made Equally absolute, but their spelling depend on the Letters, that went after Ф. Фамилие was written accordingly or letter Ферт or Фита. Well -Фролов could be written -с Ферт, and Феофилактов - likely, two different Different буквами_ Ф! What that оперетка was of years 20 back is shown on ТВ, and the girl in it(her) could marry the young man and Receive приданное, only then, when фамилие of the groom began with one of the listed letters. At In. And. Ленне in 1919 ичсчезли still as a minimum Two letters are a letter - Ять, that is externally similar to a present Firm mark, but Especially was not made in any way, and this was simply written буква_Ять at the end of words, for example newspaper ГУДОКЪ so писаолсь the name of a magazine till 2018, that is when In. Ленинн, this letter has removed, as well as letter _Е with two Points from above! Врлоде it would be not complex(not difficult) up to now! It is clear, that читае a word Fluffy Елка, we mean that деревце, that has cut down in a wood of December 32 мужичок what to please home for New year! Ё But - there came our Computer Centuries and have appeared промблемы, for example, we admit(allow) in yours фамилие is буква_ Е __ by two points, and in Establishment this surname is written by the letter _Е, but without points! And the Computer does not recognize neither passport, nor her(it) владелца, and to not receive already either information, or what that of payment, on детишек, for example!
- Example! We made the name деревни_ Степаново, yes! As СтЕпново, and with Е, in middle of a word, that is written with Two points!! Thus and the accent in the first case will be not on Е the letter, and on _А_ the letter, and these names AS TWO DIFFERENT WORDS sound!
ANYTHING it, CHANGES NEVER was done(made) in the English grammar!
- Example! We, and немцы, according to the grammar - read ON БУКВЕННО, and what TO READ АНГЛИСКОГО of the TEXT a LINE IT WOULD BE NECESSARY TO DECIDE(SOLVE) the EQUATION! In due time to me 1.поналась the brochure, 1914, it was разговорник ON ENGLISH, but 2.Pronunciation the author did not know and in разговорнике there 3.were such приерно of a line.
4.- It is the sity country Ingland - London. I came in this! I 5.wanted to write:
6.- This city is in the country of England. I have come in 7.him(it)! Hardly Precisely has picked up words and correctly, but 8.in that self-teacher this text is given on БУКВЕННО, as it is 9.accepted in Russian:
10- Ит ис, while There corresponds(meets) the text to the Letters, 11.and ambassador Went: The - Тхе - Коунтри, make so - Кантри- 12.Ingland- Инглэнд- I- and, Ай- came- whom - Е, at the end of the 13.English words is not made never, and it already as the Formula, 14.that if in the English word in middle is: a, i, e, " and, and, 15.е " - Are not made as ARE WRITTEN. Times - the Time or Times – 16.on английски is a name of the newspaper " Таймс!! " And it – 17.THERE IS A LOT OF MESS In ДЕСЯКЕ – ten – of WORDS!!Translation page 10.