Page 1. introduction in flat grooves. сравни с ори

Владимир Смелостев
Page 1. INTRODUCTION In FLAT GROOVES. Сравни с оригиналом стр.1.
In this collection the speech will go about woodcarving, except for a Geometrical groove. These figures can be used for a groove of a detail are picked up under round chisels by a diameter from 5 up to 10 mm and jamb. The image is the scanned page. Can unpack(print out) for creation of the magazine or as a sample for a groove of a hand-made article. A beginning in a magazine introduction In a GEOMETRICAL GROOVE on page by mine. This collection will be devoted to such groove as: кудринская first of all and such versions of a groove as: with flat, chosen, picked up background, чеканенным. In what, I honourly shall tell NOT РАЗИРАЮСЬ - understand - I shall try, to explain...


The modern opportunities of computer engineering, programs and Internet give weight of Additional opportunities. So, it is possible without Problems not only To unpack(print out), but also To stretch(drag out) the image up to the Tiresome sizes.  I shall explain on an example - in the book Афанасьева _ ДОМОВАЯ РЕЗЬБА_ HOME CARVING - the large chapter is devoted to Scaling, that is Reduction or on the contrary to Increase of the size, while figure. Figure Шарнирного of the adaptation, such as from a desktop lamp also is resulted, that it is possible to understand or to lower(omit), stretching(dragging out) system worth from реек and screws. That is, Having reduced or разведя this hinge is necessary for a Message щупом or pencil on Initial figure, and in the other figure Increased or on the contrary His(its) reduced copy will turn out. Likely - it is long! In the printer it is possible To set the sizes of figure and without problems it(him), figure to unpack(print out) or in page, or we shall tell in a quarter of a sheet! Such, as this figure will be submitted enough, as in all grooves, except for geometrical Figure is necessary, in mentioned Geometrical - you draw it(him), or do(make) the drawing on ready work, photo. Is as differences in some nuances, or техниках of a groove. In territory of Russia a groove were always, especially up to 1930 гола, when in деревне Кудрино in Подмосковье the foreman - the carver on a surname Вороносков has organized artel of the carvers. Is submitted by figure made on a photo from his(its) work - 1930 - In ДОЗОРЕ – Red Army soldiers.Figure – ЖАРПТИЦЫ –King Beard  by the size in all page I of the ladies on the following page. As well as text on English - made in the program Socrat  or Magic Goody и рисунок ее главной страницы